Alice Brasser © 2019

Alice Brasser © 2019


no. xvi


you don’t appear to notice      the river

twisting flowing bucking      into blue flabby

disguises      churning through rapids

through the stilts of trees    you ignore 

the smell of a metaphor      i catch you unawares

auditioning for a soliloquy

shrinking into the eyeball of a hill 

by Iain Britton

no. xii


with time up      what path to choose     

the path splits      he steps on watercolours     

his long black hair plaited with planets & moons     

he walks into a white interior      flashing raw

& uneven      a challenging feature

is in the traversing      a coming-of-age survivor

he holds the keys      he locks up





Iain Britton is the author of five collections of poetry. Recent poems have been published or are forthcoming in Harvard Review, Poetry, Jacket2, the New York Times, Stand, Agenda, and Poetry Wales. The Intaglio Poems was published by Hesterglock Press (UK) 2017. These two poems are from a sequence entitled A Naturalist’s Gallery.