Suzanna Schlemm © 2025
Satellite City
good fences may make good neighbors ‣ but where it begins will remain a question ‣ we are drinking out on the water ‣ our senses awake ‣ a syphilitic gibbon recites the parable of the sower ‣ takes the PATH to journal square on weekdays ‣ u must have known the city was bankrupt ‣ the bridges were closed ‣ over fang fang’s hot air balloon ‣ low expectations ‣ be gone ‣ i miss ur blessings & ur scribbles ‣ forget continental breakfasts ‣ indian is back at the pierre ‣ ur too proud of ur cowlick ‣ gaga wants ur disease ‣ stephen, ur criticism has been noted ‣ here, take this leopard skin hat ‣ there’s no universe where it isn’t funny ‣ the patent shoes are prada ‣ if they’re silent they’re plotting ‣ vase shattering on 89th street ‣ sunflowers spilling everywhere ‣ he is no longer handsome ‣ i am a biological GOAT ‣ it’s ok to, u know, enjoy things ‣ u can simply read a poem ‣ u don’t always need to figure out how they did this or they did that ‣ just luxuriate in the experience ‣ as any teenager knows ‣ overanalysis of any text is bad ‣ r u ableist or r u male pattern baldness ‣ ignorance ??? ‣ secrets ??? ‣ explanations always turn out to be something simple ‣ like music for one last dance ‣ or buffalo passing thru a valley ‣ yet we have scarcely begun to recognize each other ‣ on this stretch of east 9th street ‣ what we say never gets old
MICHAEL CHANG (they/them) is the author of many volumes of poetry, including Toy Soldiers (Action, Spectacle, 2024), Things a Bright Boy Can Do (Coach House Books, 2025) & Heroes (845 Press, 2025).