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Laura Gurton © 2024


  Lyric   Giles Goodland
Where I Live Now Kathleen McGookey
Two Poems Jenna Le
Two Poems Jon Ballard
A Lemonade Stand Cal Freeman
Three Poems Denise Duhamel
Two Poems Bill Rector
They Say Ann Weil
Two Poems Oz Hardwick
Stuck Inside Katharine Shehadeh
I Want to See What the Trees See Every Day Chandu Govind
While my son rattles on about dinosaurs I contemplate the futility of life Claire Taylor
Archetype Isra Hassan
Two Poems John Bradley
Two Poems Kathleen Winter
Passing Cy March
Five Stages JC Reilly
[Tonight you are bagging groceries] JeFF Stumpo
The Flea Looks up at the Mountain Rob Yates
Perimenopause Alicia Rebecca Myers

from the ether

On Joy
Editor’s Remarks Sally Ashton, Editor-in-Chief


Laura Gurton

From the Archives

When We Moved to the Desert Jennifer K. Sweeney
Summer 2017

virtual salon

monthly video reading series