Alice Brasser © 2019

Alice Brasser © 2019


impression III


In the dream, it seemed everyone had grown older,
but I remained the same

clump of earth, taxidermied bird. 
It took me a lifetime to see the sun

shining through a rain shower. That is to say, unclouded.
That is to say  look

     how it glistens now   kind orb,

round  heavy head of the martyr,       look now

how it courts the eye.


by Adam J. Gellings

Impression I (In lieu of)


in the middle
of a long furrow, I stood
firm, too shallow
to hide. I felt the shape
of the plow covering
my blisters, suckling earth.
Which dream is this?
I asked
the fine lines that kept me
like palm groves
under snow. A buried coin,
fool’s gold. I was
memorizing lines
on colored marble, a forgery
of a poem in stone
that for many years
I had succeeded
in trying to forget.





Adam J. Gellings is a poet and instructor from Columbus, Ohio. His previous work has appeared in Best New Poets 2017, Prelude, Salamander, and elsewhere.