Nicole Miller (c) 2001 All Rights Reserved

Nicole Miller (c) 2001 All Rights Reserved

editor's welcome


They say that good things come in small packages. What they don't always mention is that there are infinite numbers and types of small packages, that inside each small package may wait an incredible array of still more subtle gifts, and that those are often filled with powerful songs and whispers for their recipients. By way of the work of the nine poets in this issue, we are pleased to present what we believe are gifts of such a generous sort.

From the perfectly understated yet clear night vision and listening of Robley Wilson and Jane Hirshfield, to the lush lyricism -- reminiscent of yet somehow more at ease than Crane -- of Garth Greenwell, through the confidently minimalistic work of Glenda Cooper, Tom Fugalli, and Nick Flynn, we believe this rather small issue offers its readers the fullest of packages. Keep opening.

C. J. Sage
Managing Editor
Disquieting Muses

may 2001

Figures in Darkness   Robley Wilson
The Silence   Jane Hirshfield
Open Ghazal   Len Anderson
The Tree's Advice to its Seedling: About Light, About Birds   Ellery Akers
[Your station, the window; light, the scent of prayer.]   Garth Greenwell
Gerbera Dress   Idra Novey
No Peony, She   Glenda Cooper
Two Poems   Tom Fugalli
Twenty-Pound Stone   Nick Flynn

Visuals by

Dancing Bear 
Rain Jordan 
Franz Marc 
Haze McElhenny 
James Shadle 
Elaine Thomas