spring/summer 2007
33 Umbrellas Jennifer K. Sweeney
Two Poems Joe Wilkins
This Kind of Attention Christopher Cunningham
Two Poems Neil Aitken
Framboise Fig and Nude Shurooq Amin
Two Poems Arlene Ang
Cesia Montag With Child Near Country Bridge Jody Helfand
What I Learn About the Botanist the Morning After Traci Brimhall
On a Cloud Floating By Ron Klassnik
Anastasios John W. Evans
First Walk Jennifer Wallace
Two poems E. Louise Beach
Three poems Dana Elkun
Featured Poet Lisa Jarnot
Visuals by
Robin York
from the ether
On Contributors
Back in the Fall 2006 From the Ether column, I mentioned with some pride the geographic diversity of our editorial staff here at the DMQ Review. I’m equally proud of our global reach among poets—check out this issue’s contributors’ bios—and I know they reflect a worldwide readership, too. This issue’s contributors write from such locales as Italy, Kuwait, Mexico, Canada, as well as Hawaii, and continental US states New Jersey, Oregon, California and New York. It is with great pleasure and pride that we collect each of these voices for your enjoyment.
Likewise, Featured Poet Lisa Jarnot contributes new work along with her essay from Poet’s Bookshelf, edited by Peter Davis. Issue after issue, these featured poets’ remarks about the books and poets that have most influenced their own poetry provide insight into their individual writing process and provide a handy reading list for poet and poetry admirer alike. We hope you make the most of their thoughtful musings and add their best-loved books to your own reading list.
Artist Robin York's photographs deepen the geography of our issue in both black and white and color. She, too, hails from out of the country, from Canada. Her images reflect a variety of city and rural landscapes embued with a sense of the discoveries to be made among seemingly ordinary settings, among our everyday journeys by bus, down the street, or out the back door. Do check out her Web site for more terrific pieces.
Thanks to our readers who email their appreciative remarks about the poetry, artwork and even the words found in this column. Your voices back from the ether make an important contribution, too. We know someone is out there!
And last, we add another new feature this issue, From the Archive. One of the privileges of an online publication is the ability to keep both poets’ and artists’ work in front of the readership in perpetuity. (Or until our computer program crashes!) While we’ve always provided an active Archive, starting with this issue the staff will choose one poem from a previous issue with its accompanying artist to bring to your attention. Sort of a review of the Review. We think this is another terrific way to make the most of our community of poets and artists and show our appreciation for the substantial contributions they’ve made, and continue to make, to the DMQ Review past and present. From our February 2005 issue we are pleased to bring you “The Lap Swimmer,” by Anna Evans, accompanied by the artwork of that issue’s featured artist, Dee Rimbaud.
Kudos to all our contributors: poets, artists, readers, staff. We couldn’t do it without you.
Editor in Chief