spring 2016
Drones Sarah Lyn Rogers
Half Fish, Half Dog Douglas Collura
Vincent van Gogh in a Field of Wheat With David Foster Wallace King Grossman
Two Poems David Ebenbach
Neighborhood Border, Oakland Michael Jones
Sisypha Marilyn Ringer
When Joe Drizzles Honey Jean C. Howard
Poverty Marbles Rich Ives
From Glistening Sand My First Husband Rises Joannie Stangeland
Sóma Christian Downes
Vanishing Acts Beverly Burch
War-Cry/(Love-Song) C.W. Emerson
Pluot Ken Haas
The Orchard on its Way Laura Foley
Visuals by
Phillip Hua
from the ether
On National Poetry Month~
With a huge sigh of relief this editor bids April a fond farewell—if not good riddance—turns to a less cluttered calendar page, and manages to launch our long-awaited Spring Issue into the ether.
In order to do so without further delay, I will forgo the usual From the Ether reflection and adopt one of National Poetry Month’s popular modes: the Twitter Poem. In the spirit of a personal note and, most importantly, to speed these terrific poems to you, I offer the following.
Farewell National Poetry Month
oh cruelest month of the year—
AWP, events, readings, work-
shops and hours of poetry
not showers—a flood! #ciao
And no, I’m not going to edit the dang thing anymore.
We hope you find the time to sit down to these pages with eyes refreshed, spirits lifted, and calendars cleared to enjoy the stunning work of visual artist Phillip Hua and these many fine poets who help keep poetry vital all year long.
We are pleased to present each one.
from the Ether,
Sally Ashton