Yolanda Fundora © 2024
by Courtney Hitson
Metaphors for a Rollercoaster
A signature scrawled on a notary. Steely intestines. My attempts to stop nail-biting. An extension cord stowed in haste. Ogres’ ivy. A doomed defendant’s courtroom doodles. The flight path of a wooed bird. Piles of shiny ribbons yanked from presents. The umbilical cord of a record-breaking baby. The trail of a wandering prayer. Life, as it appeared after my parents’ divorce. The three minutes I lost in the woods to forfeit my first cross-country win. How I didn’t expect grief to be. A map to everywhere and nowhere. Honeybees’ failed return to their hives in 2015. As if time began stretching behind the Olympic rings. In the Kentucky foothills: My father’s sightline watching autumn’s downpour of shooting stars. God, maybe. A Boston city-planner’s blueprints. My relationship with hunger. A tumble-weed, paused. You. Me. Her. The denial we harbor.
Courtney Hitson holds an MFA in poetry from Columbia College Chicago and currently teaches English at the College of the Florida Keys. Her poems have appeared in over twenty literary journals and are currently forthcoming in McNeese Review and Route 7 Review. Outside of writing, she enjoys drawing and unicycling.