February 2024

Lynn Domina

Inland Sea
Kelsay Books, 2023

Watch here:


Inland Sea is Lynn Domina's third collection of poems. Many of the poems here focus on place, especially Lake Superior and Michigan’s upper peninsula where Lynn lives, but also the Catskill region of New York, the plains of Nebraska, and one famous bridge in California. They’re filled with water, sometimes in the form of snow and ice, and they’re populated by dragonflies, white deer, and black bears. The book is a celebration of the earth and everything that dwells there.

Poems read:
“Do Carnivorous Plants Experience Hunger?"

Jeff Friedman

Ashes in Paradise
Madhat Press, 2023

Watch here:


Ashes in Paradise, my tenth book, blends surrealism, dark comedy, fable, hyperbole, history, and reinvented myth to target what it means to survive and live in our troubled times. Surreal and wildy humorous, the prose poems in this collection glow with the intensity of heaven—and hell.

Poems read:
“Lost Memory”
“Not Everything Was in My Father’s Will”
“Boy with Holes”
“Last Truth”

Former DMQ Review contributor

Karen Poppy

Diving At The Lip Of The Water
Beltway Editions, 2023

Watch here:


Special thanks to my publisher Beltway Editions, DMQ Virtual Salon, my dog Kitty, and all you viewers!

Poems read:
“Standing in the Kitchen”
“The Pot”
“The Flower”